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The teacher is at the heart of
R.E.D.D. Learning Academy's
pursuit of excellence.

Thank you for your interest in R.E.D.D. Learning Academy. We are excited that you are considering R.E.D.D. as the school to use the gifts that God has given you. We are a team of believers, committed to developing our student body to become young men and women of character, integrity, and honesty.

Working at R.E.D.D. Learning Academy is more than a job – it’s a calling. We are collective, innovative thinkers, parents, and coaches on a mission to educate tomorrow’s leaders.

We welcome you to join our team; a team where your work matters. We are currently accepting applications/resumes for the 2024-25 academic school year.

Please email your resume to: info@reddlearning.org

Our teachers' qualifications and experiences drive students' engagement and academic growth.

By ensuring our teachers are spiritually mature believers, called and equipped by God with hearts for shepherding and instructing our most precious gifts: our children, our institute directs students' towards their calling.

Students graduate both academically and spiritually fulfilled equipped to impact their communities, universities, and the workforce positively. ​

Therefore, R.E.D.D. Learning does not compromise on a stringent selection process, ensuring our goals as an institute are continuously achieved and obtained throughout our academy.

 ​All teachers must meet one of the following requirements:
1.) Bachelor's Degree or higher
2.) Three or more years of K-12th
3.) Special skills, knowledge, or expertise that qualifies them to provide instruction in K-12 grade subjects.